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Headligeneration change at Krampe tipper manufacturer  
Generation change in Coesfeld-Flamschen
Krampe tippers: the fourth generation takes the helmne

The company Krampe-Fahrzeugbau is well-known for its body tippers and earthmoving tippers; the glaring red trailers can be seen in many places in Europe. Four years ago, the 100th anniversary of the established vehicle manufacturer from Münsterland was greatly celebrated in Coesfeld.

Since the turn of the year, the fourth generation has now been at the helm of the company. Robin Krampe, the eldest of three children, has taken over the global responsibility as sole managing director at Krampe-Fahrzeugbau.

After secondary school, the thirty-one-year-old trained as mechatronics engineer at the company Ruthmann in Hochmoor and completed then his vocational baccalaureate. This was followed by a dual course of study to become industrial engineer at the family-run Amazone plant in Hasbergen-Gaste with a parallel second apprenticeship as an industrial clerk. Robin Krampe completed his Master's degree in Munich and wrote his Master's thesis at Liebherr in Zurich.

This was followed by stays abroad in New-Zealand and Australia, where Robin Krampe was able to gain his first sales experience by the Claas agricultural machinery dealer "Landpower". After another stage at Agravis Münsterland-Ems, he joined Krampe as second managing director on 1st November 2017.

Senior boss August Krampe considers it as great advantage that responsibility has been placed in young hands and declares that the following generation, in the meantime the fourth one, will be the best one for the company's development with much vigour and fresh ideas.

The sixty-four-year-old continues to work in the company and is continuously reducing his presence time. He is very pleased with the good cooperation with his eldest son and also with the fact to now have more time for his wife, his family and his hobbies.

After 48 years of active service at Krampe, he says, "it is now really enough" and it is time to cut down. It is nice that he now has "much less on his plate", hardly has to bear any responsibility and that work pressure has rapidly decreased.

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Fahrzeugbau GmbH

Krampe Fahrzeugbau GmbH
Zusestraße 4
D-48653 Coesfeld-Flamschen

Tel: +49 (0)25 41/80 178-0
Fax: +49 (0)25 41/80 178-14

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Krampe Fahrzeugbau GmbH

Zusestraße 4 · D-48653 Coesfeld-Flamschen · Tel: +49 (0)25 41/80 178-0 · Fax: +49 (0)25 41/80 178-14 ·

gedruckt 27-07-2024 15:53:46 Uhr
